Ok, here is a great example of what I have been saying all along. Most of you should remember when the General was called before Congress and called out concerning his service in Iraq. You remember how Clinton said that one needed to "suspend disbelief" in order to believe the Generals testimony. Essentially he was called a liar by all the liberal Democrat leaders.
So now that he needs a General, Obama picks General Petraeus to replace General Mccrystal. He is praised by Obama and Biden as a "effective general" and successful in the "surge" (remember back in the hearings he was told the surge couldn't work). I think it was a great pick to replace General Mccrystal, I am just suprised that these liberals would swallow their pride and pick someone they obviously hated a few years ago.
So in the 'Big Picture", liberals/Democrats have once again proved that they were lying at those hearings to make political points! Kind of like Obama promised/lied to end the war to get votes, just like all the other things he promised/lied to get votes. I think you should see the pattern by now.
This all brings up some interesting issues. Will U.S. troops be pulled out of Iraq/Afghanistan on the timetable set by Obama? Will more troops be sent to the region? I suspect that the only reason General Petraeus took the job was because he may have been promised to be allowed to make these decisions.
Is it still all Bush's fault? I guess not, Bush's General is back.....