I have never seen a president so concerned that he will lose the majority in the House and Senate as President Obama. The attacks on the previous administration are coming more and more...it's Bush's fault for everything.
It is incredible that this president thinks that will still fly 1 1/2 years into his administration. Every time he blames Bush he is really saying, "nothing we have done has worked" , "we have nothing that shows we are making progress" or " our policies have failed".
Harry Reid is, all of the sudden, against illegal immigrants...when did that happen? Is he watching the polls? He is also proving what he is, a lying, flip flopping, greedy politician. He is only worried about losing his power.
All Democrats who have followed this failed President in voting for Cap & Tax, Healthcare Reform, Tax increases, failed Stimulus plans and the rest of Obamas socialist agenda are to blame. They can not back away now, the damage has been done. None of them deserve to have a job "representing" the people, because they have ignored the people.
I am sure that by now you have heard/seen some campaigning by these Representatives, who are fighting for their jobs. So what are they putting out there? Are there any examples of Stimulus or any other programs creating jobs? lowering the unemployment rates? Is there anything that is better now? Has illegal immigration reform been implemented? has healthcare become more affordable? are these programs paying for them selves? The answer to these questions is NO!
Any semi-intelligent person could have seen that Obama's whole campaign was a lie and his service to this country has been a lie! The only "transparent" thing Obama has done is to lie. He has shown that, he not only is a radical of the worst kind, but also not concerned with our Nation. He, like extremist liberals are a cancer in our nation. The agenda is to buy votes from the poor, minorities and the unemployed with lies and half truths....and to keep them that way.
We need to clean house of all that would continue this kind of government. It is not anything new, it is the same old corruption. If your candidate voted for any of Obama's programs, he/she needs to go. There is no excuse for those programs and no reason why anyone would consider them viable. They weren't intended to work, they were intended to take power!
The Big Picture is a old one, used by Democrats all my lifetime (50+ years),
Lie, cheat, spread slanderous and false rumors about the enemy(this would be conservatives), you are justified as long as it moves you toward the goal. Their "goal" is power. The American people have the power, not those who they elect to "represent" them! Use your vote to make this country great again!