The Obama Administration continues to step on the Constitution, ignore the will of the people, ignore freedom of religion and is still trying to destroy the economy of the United States.
Supreme court judge Ginsberg said, in an interview, that no country should use our Constitution as a model for their country. Why is that? I think it is obvious that it works...what other country has enjoyed our kind of freedom for as long as we have? None! I think what liberals are afraid of is that it limits government power.
The people have spoken (it was called the Tea Party) not the Occupy movement, who would by their own admission burn down cities, and destroy Wall Street the very people who generate the jobs and the money that is given away in Foodstamps, Medicaid and all the other entitlements the Obama Administration wants to give away.
In the news today, this Administration trying to force the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives, which is against the beliefs of its members as well as many other religious groups. This is in direct conflict with freedom of religion. I hope priests will begin to see the error in their thinking that this Administration is helping the poor. What they are doing is slowly instituting socialist type programs that ultimately will mean the end of religion...I know many will think that I am nuts, but what happened to the church in Soviet Russia? Yeah now you see what I mean. I am sure that they fear the Church as it has more power to persuade people than the government(you see what happened when the church said no).
The oil pipeline from Canada to Texas would have not only created many jobs, it would have led to lower gas prices(something that has gone up due it part to this administration). Why say no to this project? This is one that really stumps me. Republicans in the house have submitted job bill after job bill, but are rejected by Democrats yet Obama continues to say Republicans are blocking all their efforts??? Republicans didn't block them in the first 2 years of Obama's administration, Democrats had the majority in every branch of government. What did they do for that 2 years? Wasted a bunch of money on stimulus, which was a failure.
So the big picture is becoming clear...Democrats need the poor and minorities to vote for them. They have no real reason to pull those folks out of what they do is wait until there are enough republicans to defeat a bill...then blame them for blocking progress. In reality they never wanted to pass the bill, they only wanted the poor and minorities to think that they really tried, so that they can blame Republicans and vote for Democrats. OH, yeah you throw out a bunch of lies and racism to to further split Americans. Do you like being used as a pawn? If you voted for Obama, you are a pawn. If America was as racist as this administration implies, he never would have been elected. So it means Obama is the racist.
Once again I ask you....what has this administration done for you? I am not asking what they said they did, I am not asking if they "saved" jobs(another way of saying they failed). If you are like most working Americans all you have noticed is higher prices. Higher prices are just as bad a higher taxes and if the Obama Administration
had its way you would be hit with both.
One more thing, Obama could not and did not do this by himself...he needed support of the Democrats and he got it. Real change can only come about by getting rid of the Democrats in Congress, getting rid of Obama is merely removing the puppet leader of these greedy bastards.