In earlier posts I described how the election in 2012 will look, more lies, slander, half-truths, and racism.
Unfortunately it looks like my prediction is correct. This administration has been a huge failure, and has nothing to run on. The President is doubling down on the same old rhetoric and lies that the liberal left has used for 50 years.
*The unemployment rate is still too high(although much lower with the new way they calculate the rate).
*The country has gained 6 trillion in new debt, a little more than half of the original debt of 10 trillion. This is unacceptable, especially since all this spending has achived nothing.
*The healthcare bill has been rammed down our throats with unusual tactics. This plan, which was supposed to pay for itself, is now the single largest tax in history.
*When 49 % of this country are not contributing to the cost of government, you have a problem. One you can not solve by forcing the other half to pay for it. We are already paying for it, but government throwing the money on stimulus and special projects which haven't worked.
*The market and job opportunities would have stabilized without any intervention from government.Those companies that got THEMSELVES into problems should have been allowed to go bankrupt or into reorganization. It was the Obama administration that threatened new taxes and regulations on business that slowed this recovery. Just like you and I, if money looks tight in the future, we save. We don't buy new cars, houses or other big expenses. That is what happened to the automobile business. Ford managed to survive without goverment help. The money given to Chrysler/Dodge was wasted since they were bought by Daimler. GMC's recovery was the worst of all, the company was taken from its owners and investors, given to the union(the one who actually destroyed it in the first place) and only required to pay back part of the money they were given.
*Obama laughs and scoffs at a "trickle down" economy, yet it is how things work. He proposes a "Trickle Up" which is absolutely ridiculous...when you give more entitlements it does not improve a poor persons life, it doesn't make them try to improve themselves, it is just a gift that gets spent leaving people in the same position. If you reverse this and release business from punitive regulations and taxes it makes more jobs likely. With more jobs, there are more people who will move off benefits and into the workforce. With more jobs, there are more people paying taxes and less reason to raise taxes on those who already work. With more jobs, there will be more people buying homes, cars, furniture, gas, food, etc..etc..etc. that is how you fix this nation.
*The housing collapse was inevitable, it was the agenda of the left(you CAN'T blame this on Obama or Bush, but you can blame it on Democrats who conceived it). It was the start of the recession (a minor recession, that Obama made it worst with his actions).Essentially banks were forced to lend to new homeowners who did not meet the requirements ownership. Some of these people managed to pay for their homes while many more could not. The loans were sold and resold simply because they were backed by the government. Many people made a lot of money off of this(many people in government). The problems were seen as early as 2001, but Democrats failed to be cautious and protected the program, so lets put blame where it belongs.
*Racism, what can we say about that? It seems it is all coming from the left. I don't believe in the policies of the Obama administration, I am racist. I don't believe in paying for illegal immigrants, I am racist. I don't believe in giving more entitlements and hand outs to those who refuse to work, I am racist. I don't believe in abortion(except in cases of rape or incest or mothers health), I am racist. I DO believe in God, and I am racist?
*Don't vote Democratic based on the lies, slander and half-truths of the left, we all should all know that they have lied before and will do it again. Don't vote Democrat just because you always have, it doesn't make sense. Remove the liberal extremists you have allowed to take over the Democratic party. Look at history and see what Democrats were, look at the economy and see what happens when they are in power.
Most importantly hold these politicians accountable for their actions. Politics is not a sporting event, you should not have your "team favorite" , be selfish with your vote. Vote for what YOU want not what others want!