Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama is a embarrasment to the US!

The President and his administration stood and applauded President Calderon of Mexico berate the United States! The President Calderon seems to forget that in his country, illegal immigrants used to be put in jail for 2 years! He has the gall to complain about the  Arizona law which only allows police officers to do what federal law prescribes. This just another exmple of the liberal efforts to divide this nation with lies and half truths. The Republican side of Congress should have left the room when he said what he did! They should have booed him and the weak Obama Administration.
There is no one in this United States that can condone what Calderon said in his address to Congress. He and his country have no basis for their comments when we look at how Mexico handles immigration.

Mexico repeatedly has been cited by human rights groups for abusing or turning a blind eye to the abuse of migrants from Central America. Until recently, Mexican law made illegal immigration a criminal offense -- anyone arrested for the violation could be fined, imprisoned for up to two years and deported. Mexican lawmakers changed that in 2008 to make illegal immigration a civil violation like it is in the United States, but their law still reads an awful lot like Arizona's.

Arizona's policy, which Calderon derided on Wednesday as "discriminatory" and assailed again on Thursday, requires law enforcement to try to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant -- provided they are already in contact with that person. They can't randomly stop people and demand papers and the law prohibits racial profiling. 
The Mexican law also states that law enforcement officials are "required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any issues."

Once again Obama and Company have used lies and slander to divide this country. They need to go now!!

It is time to clean the House and the Senate, anyone who would stand by and allow the Mexican President to say what he said is not only stupid but a  danger to the United States.

One last thing, Texas and Arizona were not stolen from Mexico! If you take the time to learn history you would know this! I know it has been a liberal claim for years and years, but once again it is only meant to slander conservatives. Do you really want these weak, hateful, lying and greedy bastards in power?

Speaking of immigration...what has the Obama Administration done recently to slow down the illegal traffic? He has stopped the building the fence along the border and they have stopped recruitment for new INS workers. Wow...that sure is going to fence and no more INS officers, way to go Obama!

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