Friday, October 15, 2010

Michelle Obama is following in her husbands footsteps

Michelle Obama breaks the law...telling people how to vote in a polling place. This Harvard educated lawyer said she did know it was wrong! Just shows that she is no more ignorant than her husband.

From a report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch:

"The question arose after the first lady, who voted early at her Chicago precinct Thursday, responded to voters who voiced support for her husband. It’s unlawful in the state to have a “political discussion” or engage in “electioneering” within 100 feet of a polling place.
A pool report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch said Obama had a photo taken with electrician Dennis Campbell, 56 years old. It quoted Campbell as saying, “She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband’s agenda going.”

 If you see a theme starting, you are right. There is not a Democrat out there that is running on their record. As a whole, no Democrat has anything positive to run on! So what are they doing? Here are some of the other things that have been reported:

*people told they can not register to vote because it is too late...sorry that is a lie
*New York did not send out or lost all the military ballots that should have been sent to soldiers convenient
*reports from Democrats saying the Republicans got money from foreign investors, yet when asked to show proof, reporters are told to prove it didn't didn't happen so it can't be proved.
 *Harry Reid...sheesh where to start, this guy flip flops faster than I can dickhead! 
 *Obama is out campaign for his partners in crime saying the same things. He says he was called a dog. No one ever call him a dog but himself...still lying, but that's how he got elected.
*Try to find a Democrat running on anything but a smear campaign...still looking...?

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