Friday, March 26, 2010

What is the true cost of the Healthcare Legislation?

We have been told over and over that Health Insurance costs too much, does not provide pre-existing coverage and limits the amount of coverage for long term illness. Of these 3 things 2 are true. The Healthcare Legislation has, for the most, has corrected the pre-existing clause and limits on coverage costs. This could have been done long ago with simple legislation and no objection from congresspersons on either side. Tort reform, drug pricing and open insurance competition across state lines would also have been good place to make some reforms.

So, now we get to the cost of this new Healthcare Legislation. We have been told that this new legislation will save 130 billion or so while it will cost close to a trillion dollars. Now, do you think that is a good trade off? Oh, you were told that the Healthcare legislation will not cost the American people anything, that it is paid for with cuts to Medicare and other under-explained sources.

The reality of this is going to be taxes on those of us who have the so called "Cadillac " insurance plans (that means you and I who either pay for them or get them as a benefit from our employers). So the statement that it is not going to cost anything is a lie. The private insurance companies will probably bear the majority of the cost which means it will be passed on to those who have the services whether they be "Cadillac" plans or not. Yet again this is the same thing as being taxed for yet another entitlement program.

Truth is self evident...the Obama administration did not fix the issues they said they would. They did not decrease the cost of health insurance for anyone. They did not do anything constructive except the 2 things I listed above and they failed to include the the other items that would have a direct impact on insurance costs.

This legislation has more to do with getting votes from the poor, minorities and those who just want a hand out.
But Medicare and Social Security are the same thing! Good try, but they are not the same, the people on those programs have contributed and paid with lifetimes of work and service...not most of those this insurance will cover. Democratic/Liberal plans for the most part are always short-sighted, emotionally motivated and unsustainable.

In a nutshell, we will pay more for insurance, we will get less for our money and the nations deficit will rise.

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