There have been reports that Democrats and Black Caucus members were spit on and racial slurs were yelled. I have yet to see proof of this either via audio or video. There was one documented report that was verified via audio recording, but it was directed against a Republican. Its content alluded to the unproven events that Democrats have reported which are not verified. So who is inciting hatred here? Who was inciting hatred during the Bush administration? Who was standing up for Bush when he was called a racist, murderer and much more? That's right no one!
The hatred seems to becoming form the left. Let's not forget the Klu Klux Klan, all leftist Democrats. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. Strom Thurmond ran for president as the segregationist States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat) candidate. Nearly all the presidential assassins were leftists too. Once again who has the history of hate?
The Blogosphere seems to be filled with stories of these incidents, yet I haven't seem any proof other than what I mention above. I wouldn't put it past these extremist liberals to make this up to further slander anyone who does not follow them.
Could these incidents have happened? Sure, people are pissed off at this administration This administration has lied to the American people over and over again how . If your saying that Republicans or Tea Party members support this you would be lying too! Speaking of lying, the context that Democrats are using this (yes using this for political gain!) and how the leftist news is reporting is obviously biased., It is yet another unjustified attack on Republicans and conservatives. We are not the hate mongers, that legacy is yours!
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