If you follow the news you probably hear something to the effect that "Republicans only care about giving tax cuts to the rich" , that the "Bush tax cuts are only benefiting the rich" or that Republicans are holding legislation hostage. This is the new spin that Obama and company are putting on the
issue of the Bush Tax Cuts.
Lets put it all in perspective:
* This is not about a tax cut for the rich, this about a tax increase by Democrats (if they had not lost the midterm elections they would have end the Bush Tax Cuts for everyone, now they try to act like they are compromising).
*The Bush Tax Cuts were not a tax cut for the rich, it was a tax cut for everyone who pays taxes.
*Why did some people not get a tax cut? Because they don't pay taxes, however they sure get a lot of other things like foodstamps, welfare and medicaid(it ain't free).
*The Democrats still have the majority in both houses, why are they still blaming Republicans? The newly elected Senators and Representatives don't take office till January.
*Once again it is the big smear campaign by Democrats trying to demonize the Republicans.
Other things to remember:
The US was not in "the worst depression since the great depression" near the end of the Bush administration. We were in a economic slowdown or slight recession. Obama and company have only made it worse! We now have close to 7 million people out of work! Unemployment is going on its 3rd extension (and no, Ms Pelosi, unemployment benefits do not stimulate a economy, it stays stagnant).
Tax increases on the people who make jobs does not help stimulate the economy, Stimulus monies did not help the economy,
demonizing big business does not stimulate the economy, giving more entitlements (welfare,foodstamps,medicaid) does not stimulate the economy...so in a nutshell you have failed Mr Obama.
Your are a socialist and as such you are the enemy of Freedom and Prosperity. You say you know what the people want but what you don't know is what those of us who pay for it all want! We have told you via poll, protests and the midterm elections. We are the majority and we alone have the power, you only work for the American people. You have done a terrible job and will be fired.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What are liberals?
This is the accepted definition:
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter
) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.
a person of liberal principles or views, esp. in politics or religion.
( often initial capital letter
) a member of a liberal party in politics, esp. of the Liberal party in Great Britain.
So are liberals liberal?
1. Progress and reform is not what they have been about...what progress? what reform?
they did promise change...but all they have done is the same old thing for 30 years, tax the rich, give to the poor, increase their voter base by giving entitlements. Sorry, that is neither progress (it does not promote progress) and it is not reform (the idea is to get people off of entitlements).
2. Hmmm...it does pertain to a political party, but as noted above they have not progressed.
3. They do advocate liberalism...but once again their motive is the important thing...grow their voter base.
4. "maximum individual freedom possible" we are all for this, but is that what liberals are doing in this country? I think it is quite clear they are taking away our freedom.
5. "Freedom of action, with respect to matters of personal belief or expression" I think the definition here is talking about freedom of religion and expression of your beliefs...I don't think anyone has a problem with the religious part, but why did liberals try to shut down conservative talk shows?
6. Our United States has always been a Democratic Republic...never a aristocracies and monarchies. Although Obama and company have sure been trying to move it toward Socialism which is the quickest way to a single ruling class...that certainly isn't freedom.
7. Hmmm...very interesting, the only ones using racism are the liberals...go figure!
8. Tradition is not automatically wrong of bad nor are conventional thought...as I said before if you look at the liberal game plan, it hasn't change much in 30 years. The tactics liberals use are even older.
9. Generous? yeah, with my money and your money...why would any working person vote for a liberal?
10. They sure do give away a lot...problem is it isn't theirs to give away...
OK, I think we have figured out by now that Liberals do not follow the definition of the word they use to describe themselves. Here are some other things you may consider:
Obama and company say that they didn't communicate their plans and ideas to the American people and that is why they lost the mid-term elections. The truth of this is that they didn't lie well enough!
What about "Transparency"? If they had been transparent about their plans, they wouldn't have passed so much harmful legislation. If they really had done something good for America, why is it that not one of there congressmen used his record as proof of his value to the American people? The agenda should be clear to all, it is about building their voter base with those who want entitlements (foodstampsahhhh...maybe that's the true agenda of Liberals and the Democratic party...POWER!
You know what they say about power, it looks like its already started!.
Keep your eyes open, keep your congressman or senator honest and vote for America!
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Election Day
I thought I would talk about campaign ads, but it's election day. I don't think I can add to what is very apparent. The ads are getting more personal and less truthful. Face it, if they can't tell you what they have done....kick them out of office. Happy Voting!
Friday, October 22, 2010
More evidence of the liberal attack machine....
Juan Williams(liberal journalist) gives a honest and believable opinion and gets fired! No one can say that the threat from Muslim Extremists doesn't exist! They are Muslims! WHy should anyone expect that they would be viewed with some trepidation? Is there anyone out there who thinks what Juan Williams said should cause him to be fired? I am sure there are some Liberals out there who think that it is justified, but really now, what is this really about?
NAACP reports that the Tea Party movement is full of white supremists and racists. Obviously you could ask any racist and he/she would not a black president...but they are not members of the movement. They don't like Obama because he is black, Tea Party members don't like Obama because he is a socialist, liberal, liar...who is destroying this country. There is a big difference and it is another obvious attack on conservative America. While there are racists in this country, they come from all races, not just white. It is clear the only obvious racist in this country is Obama himself.
Harry Reid claims that the stimulus program saved America from certain economic disaster. The housing problem with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac was a liberal supported program and even when it was failing, liberals defended it and said there was no problem...all the while putting money in their own pockets(Harry Rains comes to mind).
Reports that Republicans got money from foreign sources has been put forth by liberal/democratic supporters with out any proof.
Are you starting to see the pattern?
NPR- Left leaning radio, who by the way get a lot of federal funding. IT MUST STOP AND I URGE EVERYONE TO NOT SUPPORT NPR!
They will go after every conservative goal...they will slander everyone that runs against them, they will misrepresent and lie......BUT THE ONE THING THEY WILL NEVER DO IS TELL YOU WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR THIS COUNTRY! THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, THEY HAVE MADE THE PROBLEMS WORSE! THEY CAN'T RUN ON THEIR RECORDS, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING!!!
NAACP reports that the Tea Party movement is full of white supremists and racists. Obviously you could ask any racist and he/she would not a black president...but they are not members of the movement. They don't like Obama because he is black, Tea Party members don't like Obama because he is a socialist, liberal, liar...who is destroying this country. There is a big difference and it is another obvious attack on conservative America. While there are racists in this country, they come from all races, not just white. It is clear the only obvious racist in this country is Obama himself.
Harry Reid claims that the stimulus program saved America from certain economic disaster. The housing problem with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac was a liberal supported program and even when it was failing, liberals defended it and said there was no problem...all the while putting money in their own pockets(Harry Rains comes to mind).
Reports that Republicans got money from foreign sources has been put forth by liberal/democratic supporters with out any proof.
Are you starting to see the pattern?
NPR- Left leaning radio, who by the way get a lot of federal funding. IT MUST STOP AND I URGE EVERYONE TO NOT SUPPORT NPR!
They will go after every conservative goal...they will slander everyone that runs against them, they will misrepresent and lie......BUT THE ONE THING THEY WILL NEVER DO IS TELL YOU WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR THIS COUNTRY! THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, THEY HAVE MADE THE PROBLEMS WORSE! THEY CAN'T RUN ON THEIR RECORDS, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Michelle Obama is following in her husbands footsteps
Michelle Obama breaks the law...telling people how to vote in a polling place. This Harvard educated lawyer said she did know it was wrong! Just shows that she is no more ignorant than her husband.
From a report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch:
"The question arose after the first lady, who voted early at her Chicago precinct Thursday, responded to voters who voiced support for her husband. It’s unlawful in the state to have a “political discussion” or engage in “electioneering” within 100 feet of a polling place.
A pool report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch said Obama had a photo taken with electrician Dennis Campbell, 56 years old. It quoted Campbell as saying, “She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband’s agenda going.”
If you see a theme starting, you are right. There is not a Democrat out there that is running on their record. As a whole, no Democrat has anything positive to run on! So what are they doing? Here are some of the other things that have been reported:
*people told they can not register to vote because it is too late...sorry that is a lie
*New York did not send out or lost all the military ballots that should have been sent to soldiers overseas...how convenient
*reports from Democrats saying the Republicans got money from foreign investors, yet when asked to show proof, reporters are told to prove it didn't happen...it didn't happen so it can't be proved.
*Harry Reid...sheesh where to start, this guy flip flops faster than I can follow...total dickhead!
*Obama is out campaign for his partners in crime saying the same things. He says he was called a dog. No one ever call him a dog but himself...still lying, but that's how he got elected.
*Try to find a Democrat running on anything but a smear campaign...still looking...?
From a report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch:
"The question arose after the first lady, who voted early at her Chicago precinct Thursday, responded to voters who voiced support for her husband. It’s unlawful in the state to have a “political discussion” or engage in “electioneering” within 100 feet of a polling place.
A pool report by Chicago Sun-Times reporter Abdon Pallasch said Obama had a photo taken with electrician Dennis Campbell, 56 years old. It quoted Campbell as saying, “She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband’s agenda going.”
If you see a theme starting, you are right. There is not a Democrat out there that is running on their record. As a whole, no Democrat has anything positive to run on! So what are they doing? Here are some of the other things that have been reported:
*people told they can not register to vote because it is too late...sorry that is a lie
*New York did not send out or lost all the military ballots that should have been sent to soldiers overseas...how convenient
*reports from Democrats saying the Republicans got money from foreign investors, yet when asked to show proof, reporters are told to prove it didn't happen...it didn't happen so it can't be proved.
*Harry Reid...sheesh where to start, this guy flip flops faster than I can follow...total dickhead!
*Obama is out campaign for his partners in crime saying the same things. He says he was called a dog. No one ever call him a dog but himself...still lying, but that's how he got elected.
*Try to find a Democrat running on anything but a smear campaign...still looking...?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Obama in Campaign Mode Again!
I have never seen a president so concerned that he will lose the majority in the House and Senate as President Obama. The attacks on the previous administration are coming more and more...it's Bush's fault for everything.
It is incredible that this president thinks that will still fly 1 1/2 years into his administration. Every time he blames Bush he is really saying, "nothing we have done has worked" , "we have nothing that shows we are making progress" or " our policies have failed".
Harry Reid is, all of the sudden, against illegal immigrants...when did that happen? Is he watching the polls? He is also proving what he is, a lying, flip flopping, greedy politician. He is only worried about losing his power.
All Democrats who have followed this failed President in voting for Cap & Tax, Healthcare Reform, Tax increases, failed Stimulus plans and the rest of Obamas socialist agenda are to blame. They can not back away now, the damage has been done. None of them deserve to have a job "representing" the people, because they have ignored the people.
I am sure that by now you have heard/seen some campaigning by these Representatives, who are fighting for their jobs. So what are they putting out there? Are there any examples of Stimulus or any other programs creating jobs? lowering the unemployment rates? Is there anything that is better now? Has illegal immigration reform been implemented? has healthcare become more affordable? are these programs paying for them selves? The answer to these questions is NO!
Any semi-intelligent person could have seen that Obama's whole campaign was a lie and his service to this country has been a lie! The only "transparent" thing Obama has done is to lie. He has shown that, he not only is a radical of the worst kind, but also not concerned with our Nation. He, like extremist liberals are a cancer in our nation. The agenda is to buy votes from the poor, minorities and the unemployed with lies and half truths....and to keep them that way.
We need to clean house of all that would continue this kind of government. It is not anything new, it is the same old corruption. If your candidate voted for any of Obama's programs, he/she needs to go. There is no excuse for those programs and no reason why anyone would consider them viable. They weren't intended to work, they were intended to take power!
The Big Picture is a old one, used by Democrats all my lifetime (50+ years),
Lie, cheat, spread slanderous and false rumors about the enemy(this would be conservatives), you are justified as long as it moves you toward the goal. Their "goal" is power. The American people have the power, not those who they elect to "represent" them! Use your vote to make this country great again!
It is incredible that this president thinks that will still fly 1 1/2 years into his administration. Every time he blames Bush he is really saying, "nothing we have done has worked" , "we have nothing that shows we are making progress" or " our policies have failed".
Harry Reid is, all of the sudden, against illegal immigrants...when did that happen? Is he watching the polls? He is also proving what he is, a lying, flip flopping, greedy politician. He is only worried about losing his power.
All Democrats who have followed this failed President in voting for Cap & Tax, Healthcare Reform, Tax increases, failed Stimulus plans and the rest of Obamas socialist agenda are to blame. They can not back away now, the damage has been done. None of them deserve to have a job "representing" the people, because they have ignored the people.
I am sure that by now you have heard/seen some campaigning by these Representatives, who are fighting for their jobs. So what are they putting out there? Are there any examples of Stimulus or any other programs creating jobs? lowering the unemployment rates? Is there anything that is better now? Has illegal immigration reform been implemented? has healthcare become more affordable? are these programs paying for them selves? The answer to these questions is NO!
Any semi-intelligent person could have seen that Obama's whole campaign was a lie and his service to this country has been a lie! The only "transparent" thing Obama has done is to lie. He has shown that, he not only is a radical of the worst kind, but also not concerned with our Nation. He, like extremist liberals are a cancer in our nation. The agenda is to buy votes from the poor, minorities and the unemployed with lies and half truths....and to keep them that way.
We need to clean house of all that would continue this kind of government. It is not anything new, it is the same old corruption. If your candidate voted for any of Obama's programs, he/she needs to go. There is no excuse for those programs and no reason why anyone would consider them viable. They weren't intended to work, they were intended to take power!
The Big Picture is a old one, used by Democrats all my lifetime (50+ years),
Lie, cheat, spread slanderous and false rumors about the enemy(this would be conservatives), you are justified as long as it moves you toward the goal. Their "goal" is power. The American people have the power, not those who they elect to "represent" them! Use your vote to make this country great again!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Obama, Biden, Clinton and General Petraeus???
Ok, here is a great example of what I have been saying all along. Most of you should remember when the General was called before Congress and called out concerning his service in Iraq. You remember how Clinton said that one needed to "suspend disbelief" in order to believe the Generals testimony. Essentially he was called a liar by all the liberal Democrat leaders.
So now that he needs a General, Obama picks General Petraeus to replace General Mccrystal. He is praised by Obama and Biden as a "effective general" and successful in the "surge" (remember back in the hearings he was told the surge couldn't work). I think it was a great pick to replace General Mccrystal, I am just suprised that these liberals would swallow their pride and pick someone they obviously hated a few years ago.
So in the 'Big Picture", liberals/Democrats have once again proved that they were lying at those hearings to make political points! Kind of like Obama promised/lied to end the war to get votes, just like all the other things he promised/lied to get votes. I think you should see the pattern by now.
This all brings up some interesting issues. Will U.S. troops be pulled out of Iraq/Afghanistan on the timetable set by Obama? Will more troops be sent to the region? I suspect that the only reason General Petraeus took the job was because he may have been promised to be allowed to make these decisions.
Is it still all Bush's fault? I guess not, Bush's General is back.....
So now that he needs a General, Obama picks General Petraeus to replace General Mccrystal. He is praised by Obama and Biden as a "effective general" and successful in the "surge" (remember back in the hearings he was told the surge couldn't work). I think it was a great pick to replace General Mccrystal, I am just suprised that these liberals would swallow their pride and pick someone they obviously hated a few years ago.
So in the 'Big Picture", liberals/Democrats have once again proved that they were lying at those hearings to make political points! Kind of like Obama promised/lied to end the war to get votes, just like all the other things he promised/lied to get votes. I think you should see the pattern by now.
This all brings up some interesting issues. Will U.S. troops be pulled out of Iraq/Afghanistan on the timetable set by Obama? Will more troops be sent to the region? I suspect that the only reason General Petraeus took the job was because he may have been promised to be allowed to make these decisions.
Is it still all Bush's fault? I guess not, Bush's General is back.....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Obama is a embarrasment to the US!
The President and his administration stood and applauded President Calderon of Mexico berate the United States! The President Calderon seems to forget that in his country, illegal immigrants used to be put in jail for 2 years! He has the gall to complain about the Arizona law which only allows police officers to do what federal law prescribes. This just another exmple of the liberal efforts to divide this nation with lies and half truths. The Republican side of Congress should have left the room when he said what he did! They should have booed him and the weak Obama Administration.
There is no one in this United States that can condone what Calderon said in his address to Congress. He and his country have no basis for their comments when we look at how Mexico handles immigration.
Mexico repeatedly has been cited by human rights groups for abusing or turning a blind eye to the abuse of migrants from Central America. Until recently, Mexican law made illegal immigration a criminal offense -- anyone arrested for the violation could be fined, imprisoned for up to two years and deported. Mexican lawmakers changed that in 2008 to make illegal immigration a civil violation like it is in the United States, but their law still reads an awful lot like Arizona's.
Arizona's policy, which Calderon derided on Wednesday as "discriminatory" and assailed again on Thursday, requires law enforcement to try to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant -- provided they are already in contact with that person. They can't randomly stop people and demand papers and the law prohibits racial profiling.
The Mexican law also states that law enforcement officials are "required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any issues."
Once again Obama and Company have used lies and slander to divide this country. They need to go now!!
It is time to clean the House and the Senate, anyone who would stand by and allow the Mexican President to say what he said is not only stupid but a danger to the United States.
One last thing, Texas and Arizona were not stolen from Mexico! If you take the time to learn history you would know this! I know it has been a liberal claim for years and years, but once again it is only meant to slander conservatives. Do you really want these weak, hateful, lying and greedy bastards in power?
Speaking of immigration...what has the Obama Administration done recently to slow down the illegal traffic? He has stopped the building the fence along the border and they have stopped recruitment for new INS workers. Wow...that sure is going to help...no fence and no more INS officers, way to go Obama!
There is no one in this United States that can condone what Calderon said in his address to Congress. He and his country have no basis for their comments when we look at how Mexico handles immigration.
Mexico repeatedly has been cited by human rights groups for abusing or turning a blind eye to the abuse of migrants from Central America. Until recently, Mexican law made illegal immigration a criminal offense -- anyone arrested for the violation could be fined, imprisoned for up to two years and deported. Mexican lawmakers changed that in 2008 to make illegal immigration a civil violation like it is in the United States, but their law still reads an awful lot like Arizona's.
Arizona's policy, which Calderon derided on Wednesday as "discriminatory" and assailed again on Thursday, requires law enforcement to try to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant -- provided they are already in contact with that person. They can't randomly stop people and demand papers and the law prohibits racial profiling.
The Mexican law also states that law enforcement officials are "required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any issues."
Once again Obama and Company have used lies and slander to divide this country. They need to go now!!
It is time to clean the House and the Senate, anyone who would stand by and allow the Mexican President to say what he said is not only stupid but a danger to the United States.
One last thing, Texas and Arizona were not stolen from Mexico! If you take the time to learn history you would know this! I know it has been a liberal claim for years and years, but once again it is only meant to slander conservatives. Do you really want these weak, hateful, lying and greedy bastards in power?
Speaking of immigration...what has the Obama Administration done recently to slow down the illegal traffic? He has stopped the building the fence along the border and they have stopped recruitment for new INS workers. Wow...that sure is going to help...no fence and no more INS officers, way to go Obama!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Arizona Immigration Law, why haven't liberals read it?
The Arizona Law is not anything new..it is merely a law to allow Arizona police to verify the immigration status of people they have "lawful contact with"!
It clearly prohibits profiling or any other abuse of this law.
All the shouting and marching against this law is merely a political movement based in a lie to discredit conservatives or those who agree with the law.
If you have not read the bill...READ IT!!! Stop being a pawn of the Obama administration!
Here it is: http://sailorshomeport.net/files/arizonalaw.pdf
I figure all you liberal elitists still know how to read?
All you democrats who have let the extremist left take over your party, read the law!
Sooo...to answer the title question "Why haven't liberals read the law?"
I am guessing they have and I realize that you blind followers won't !
They know you will blindly parrot evertyhing that they say and you will even believe it. You will believe it because you are too lazy or to scared to know the truth. It makes you a perfect pawn for their greed, lies and lust for power! Way to go....
It clearly prohibits profiling or any other abuse of this law.
All the shouting and marching against this law is merely a political movement based in a lie to discredit conservatives or those who agree with the law.
If you have not read the bill...READ IT!!! Stop being a pawn of the Obama administration!
Here it is: http://sailorshomeport.net/files/arizonalaw.pdf
I figure all you liberal elitists still know how to read?
All you democrats who have let the extremist left take over your party, read the law!
Sooo...to answer the title question "Why haven't liberals read the law?"
I am guessing they have and I realize that you blind followers won't !
They know you will blindly parrot evertyhing that they say and you will even believe it. You will believe it because you are too lazy or to scared to know the truth. It makes you a perfect pawn for their greed, lies and lust for power! Way to go....
Friday, March 26, 2010
Republicans and Tea Party members are racist?
There have been reports that Democrats and Black Caucus members were spit on and racial slurs were yelled. I have yet to see proof of this either via audio or video. There was one documented report that was verified via audio recording, but it was directed against a Republican. Its content alluded to the unproven events that Democrats have reported which are not verified. So who is inciting hatred here? Who was inciting hatred during the Bush administration? Who was standing up for Bush when he was called a racist, murderer and much more? That's right no one!
The hatred seems to becoming form the left. Let's not forget the Klu Klux Klan, all leftist Democrats. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. Strom Thurmond ran for president as the segregationist States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat) candidate. Nearly all the presidential assassins were leftists too. Once again who has the history of hate?
The Blogosphere seems to be filled with stories of these incidents, yet I haven't seem any proof other than what I mention above. I wouldn't put it past these extremist liberals to make this up to further slander anyone who does not follow them.
Could these incidents have happened? Sure, people are pissed off at this administration This administration has lied to the American people over and over again how . If your saying that Republicans or Tea Party members support this you would be lying too! Speaking of lying, the context that Democrats are using this (yes using this for political gain!) and how the leftist news is reporting is obviously biased., It is yet another unjustified attack on Republicans and conservatives. We are not the hate mongers, that legacy is yours!
The hatred seems to becoming form the left. Let's not forget the Klu Klux Klan, all leftist Democrats. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. Strom Thurmond ran for president as the segregationist States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat) candidate. Nearly all the presidential assassins were leftists too. Once again who has the history of hate?
The Blogosphere seems to be filled with stories of these incidents, yet I haven't seem any proof other than what I mention above. I wouldn't put it past these extremist liberals to make this up to further slander anyone who does not follow them.
Could these incidents have happened? Sure, people are pissed off at this administration This administration has lied to the American people over and over again how . If your saying that Republicans or Tea Party members support this you would be lying too! Speaking of lying, the context that Democrats are using this (yes using this for political gain!) and how the leftist news is reporting is obviously biased., It is yet another unjustified attack on Republicans and conservatives. We are not the hate mongers, that legacy is yours!
What is the true cost of the Healthcare Legislation?
We have been told over and over that Health Insurance costs too much, does not provide pre-existing coverage and limits the amount of coverage for long term illness. Of these 3 things 2 are true. The Healthcare Legislation has, for the most, has corrected the pre-existing clause and limits on coverage costs. This could have been done long ago with simple legislation and no objection from congresspersons on either side. Tort reform, drug pricing and open insurance competition across state lines would also have been good place to make some reforms.
So, now we get to the cost of this new Healthcare Legislation. We have been told that this new legislation will save 130 billion or so while it will cost close to a trillion dollars. Now, do you think that is a good trade off? Oh, you were told that the Healthcare legislation will not cost the American people anything, that it is paid for with cuts to Medicare and other under-explained sources.
The reality of this is going to be taxes on those of us who have the so called "Cadillac " insurance plans (that means you and I who either pay for them or get them as a benefit from our employers). So the statement that it is not going to cost anything is a lie. The private insurance companies will probably bear the majority of the cost which means it will be passed on to those who have the services whether they be "Cadillac" plans or not. Yet again this is the same thing as being taxed for yet another entitlement program.
Truth is self evident...the Obama administration did not fix the issues they said they would. They did not decrease the cost of health insurance for anyone. They did not do anything constructive except the 2 things I listed above and they failed to include the the other items that would have a direct impact on insurance costs.
This legislation has more to do with getting votes from the poor, minorities and those who just want a hand out.
But Medicare and Social Security are the same thing! Good try, but they are not the same, the people on those programs have contributed and paid with lifetimes of work and service...not most of those this insurance will cover. Democratic/Liberal plans for the most part are always short-sighted, emotionally motivated and unsustainable.
In a nutshell, we will pay more for insurance, we will get less for our money and the nations deficit will rise.
So, now we get to the cost of this new Healthcare Legislation. We have been told that this new legislation will save 130 billion or so while it will cost close to a trillion dollars. Now, do you think that is a good trade off? Oh, you were told that the Healthcare legislation will not cost the American people anything, that it is paid for with cuts to Medicare and other under-explained sources.
The reality of this is going to be taxes on those of us who have the so called "Cadillac " insurance plans (that means you and I who either pay for them or get them as a benefit from our employers). So the statement that it is not going to cost anything is a lie. The private insurance companies will probably bear the majority of the cost which means it will be passed on to those who have the services whether they be "Cadillac" plans or not. Yet again this is the same thing as being taxed for yet another entitlement program.
Truth is self evident...the Obama administration did not fix the issues they said they would. They did not decrease the cost of health insurance for anyone. They did not do anything constructive except the 2 things I listed above and they failed to include the the other items that would have a direct impact on insurance costs.
This legislation has more to do with getting votes from the poor, minorities and those who just want a hand out.
But Medicare and Social Security are the same thing! Good try, but they are not the same, the people on those programs have contributed and paid with lifetimes of work and service...not most of those this insurance will cover. Democratic/Liberal plans for the most part are always short-sighted, emotionally motivated and unsustainable.
In a nutshell, we will pay more for insurance, we will get less for our money and the nations deficit will rise.